Do I need to be Accredited?
- You do not need to be Accredited in order to purchase profiles. We don’t make it compulsory, but it certainly helps you embed the strengths approach with your clients and teams with full knowledge of best practice and application.
- If you already use similar assessments, you may consider The Level 1 Strengthener Programme or one of our Toolkits.
Who can complete the training?
- Anyone who wants to help others be their best SELF so is ideal for coaches, educators, HR/L&D professionals and managers.
- The Level 1 Strengthener and Level 2 Accreditation have no prerequisites as they teach you about the Strengths Profile product and how to use the tool to coach.
- You do not have to complete Level 1 to become an accredited practitioner in Level 2.
- You do not need to have completed Level 1 or Level 2 to complete the Leader Programme, although we would recommend it. The Leader Programme only focuses on the Leader Profile and does not cover any training on the tool, science, coaching or best practice on strengths.
- The Level 3 Master Programme does have prerequisites. You need to have successfully completed the Level 2 Accreditation Programme.
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